Friday, January 22, 2010

In the Beginning......

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The URth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

And TIME began for URth with a Celestial Battle.

The advanced cosmogony of ancient Sumer, coming to us through the Babylonian texts of the EPIC of CREATION, Enuma Elish, written on seven tablets of stone , tells the tale of the BEGINNING. The Bible version picks up where The EPIC of CREATIOn ends.

Our Sun, Apsu, and its messenger, Mercury, were joined by a planet called Tiamat. Venus and Mars then came between the Sun and Tiamat, followed by Jupitor and Saturn, then Uranus and Neptune.

As the planets tugged and pulled at each other , satellites were formed.

And, so, Enuma Elish, tells how Tiamat came into our solar system. Neptune's largest moon, Triton, was pulled into a collision course with Tiamat. Thus there was a Celestial Battle, a Collision, which tore Tiamat in half.

One half was to become the Asteroid Belt. The other, with Tiamat's own moon revolving around it, was to become URth.

The URth was not formed by God, nor indeed, by the Big Bang. The URth was formed when the Celetial Battle happened,

Enki, the Sumerian God of science tells how:
"In the days of yore when Heaven was separated from URth..."

Thus, the Biblical texts of Creation were based upon the Mesopotamian texts such as Enuma Elish.

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